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Pillars of Faith


The Six Pillars of Faith in Islam

The Six Pillars of Faith, known as "Rukun Iman" in Islam, are six fundamental principles that form the basis of belief for a Muslim. These principles represent the core beliefs in Islam concerning Allah, the angels, the holy books, the prophets, the Day of Judgment, and predestination.

Here is a brief explanation of each of the Six Pillars of Faith:

1. Belief in Allah (Tawhid):

Belief in Allah entails the conviction that there is only one God, Allah, who is the Supreme Being. Allah is the creator of everything, sustainer of the universe, and possesses perfect attributes. Muslims believe in the oneness of Allah and worship and submit to Him in all aspects of life.

2. Belief in the Angels:

Belief in the angels involves the conviction that Allah created angels as unseen beings with specific tasks to carry out His will. Angels are regarded as obedient creatures who worship Allah and act as His messengers to convey revelations to the prophets.

3. Belief in the Books of Allah:

Belief in the books of Allah involves the conviction that Allah has revealed His books as guidance and instructions for humankind. These books include the Torah revealed to Prophet Moses, the Gospel revealed to Prophet Jesus, the Psalms revealed to Prophet David, and the Quran, which is considered the final and most sacred book revealed to Prophet Muhammad.

4. Belief in the Prophets of Allah:

Belief in the prophets of Allah entails the conviction that Allah sent prophets as guides, reformers, and bearers of His message to humanity. Prophet Muhammad is considered the final prophet, and everything revealed to him is contained in the Quran.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment:

Belief in the Day of Judgment involves the conviction that there is an afterlife and a resurrection on the Day of Judgment. On that day, all individuals will be resurrected to be held accountable for their actions in the world. Those who did good will be rewarded, while those who did evil will face punishment.

6. Belief in Predestination:

Belief in predestination involves the conviction that everything that occurs in the world is a result of Allah's decree. Allah is All-Knowing about everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen. Although humans possess free will, Allah's predestination still applies.

The Six Pillars of Faith serve as the foundation for building a Muslim's faith. By understanding and holding steadfast to these principles, a Muslim can strengthen their belief in Islam and lead their life in accordance with its teachings.

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