Pillars of Islam
The Pillars of Islam are the five basic acts in Islam which are considered as obligatory foundations for believers.
There is one hadith that specifically explains the 5 pillars of Islam, namely the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihimwasallam.
"Islam is built on five things: witnessing that there is no god who has the right to be worshiped except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establishing prayer, paying zakat, going to Hajj, and fasting in Ramadan." (Narrated by Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Here are the 5 pillars of Islam:
- Saying the Two Sentences of the Creed
- Establishing Prayers
- Fasting in the month of Ramadan
- Pay Zakat
- Go Hajj for those who can afford it
The following is an explanation of the pillars of Islam
1. Saying the Two Sentences of Creed
The first pillar of Islam is saying the two sentences of creed which are obligatory for someone who wants to become a Muslim.
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"Asy-hadu allaa ilaaha illallaahu wa asy-hadu anna muhammadarrasuulullahi".
The meaning of the shahadah:
"I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."
Judging from the language, the creed is a testimony which contains the meaning that there is no other God that can be worshiped besides Allah.
As well as admitting that the Prophet Muhammad SAW was one of Allah's messengers and became the last prophet, or there was no other prophet after he died.
Muslims should know that there are 25 Prophets and Messengers of Allah who are also messengers of Allah.
In addition, the two sentences of the creed are also the main door for people who are going to enter Islam, they must say the two sentences of the creed.
After saying the shahada, a Muslim must do what is commanded by Allah and must stay away from all His prohibitions.
Just like the door, the creed can also be an opening in carrying out other pillars.
2. Establishing Prayers
Being a Muslim, of course, you have to do the second pillar of Islam, namely prayer.
Prayers in Islam are divided into two types, namely obligatory prayers and sunnat prayers.
There are 5 obligatory prayers, while there are many sunnat prayers which we will later discuss in the article Obligatory prayers and sunnat prayers in Islam.
Prayer is also a link or communication between humans and Allah SWT.
Actions or deeds in prayer include movements as well, starting with raising hands when saying takbir, then continuing with iftitah, then bowing, prostration, to the final tasyahud.
All Muslims are also required to perform prayers which are also called by Allah, namely the Subuh prayer, Midday prayer, then the Asr prayer, then Maghrib, and the last is the Isha prayer.
It is recommended to perform sunnah prayers as well because it can increase the reward.
Prayer is often referred to as the pillar of religion, so every Muslim must pray regardless of the conditions.
Islam is a religion that is rahmatan lil'alamin and provides many conveniences.
If you are unable to pray while standing, then you can just sit down. If prostration is still difficult, it can be done while sleeping.
If the limbs are no longer functioning then just use eye movements.
3. Fasting in the month of Ramadan
Fasting is the third pillar, fasting itself is to refrain from all things that can break the fast from the call to prayer at dawn until the sun sets.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan will also be an opportunity to collect as many rewards as possible from other acts of worship.
For example reading the Koran and then performing the sunnah Tarawih prayers. Also make sure to pay zakat before Syawal.
All Muslims are required to fast for a full month.
4. Pay Zakat
When you get to know the sequence of the pillars of Islam, people will be increasingly aware that the five pillars in it are interrelated.
The fourth pillar is paying zakat, with the aim of helping economically disadvantaged people.
There are several types of zakat that must be paid including trade zakat, zakat fitrah, zakat mal, and income zakat.
The type of zakat paid in the month of Ramadan is called zakat fitrah.
The law of paying zakat is also mandatory for Muslims. The principle taught by the Prophet Muhammad SAW in paying zakat is, it teaches us to want to share and care.
Therefore paying zakat must be able to increase mutual support, empathy, and support for our Muslim brothers and sisters.
Zakat must also be able to change people's lives, especially Muslims.
Also know mustahik who are referred to as recipients of zakat which are divided into the following 8 groups:
- Fakir
Fakir groups are people who do not have income, for example because it is caused by something serious, such as illness.
- Poor
The definition of poor is a person who has a source of income but the amount of income is not enough to meet their daily needs.
- Riqab
Riqab is often referred to as a slave.
- Gharim/Gharimin
Someone who has a debt and is unable to pay off the debt.
- convert
People who have just entered Islam to increase solidarity.
- Fiisabilillah
Warriors in the Religion of Islam.
- Ibn Sabil
Is a person who runs out of provisions while in the middle of a long journey.
- Amil
People who distribute zakat.
5.Go Hajj for those who can afford it
Hajj is one of the biggest aspects of worship because all aspects of worship are collected. Both in terms of physical or bodily, qalbiyah or heart/mental, and also maliyah or financial.
For this reason, if you have the financial capacity and qualified health, it is advisable to go to perform the pilgrimage.
Another benefit of going on the pilgrimage is that it is a place to exchange knowledge and views, because people of various races, skin colors and countries all gather in Mecca.
Symbolically the pilgrimage will also strengthen the unity of all Muslims.
So that their unity will become stronger because they face Allah, follow the prophet, read the Koran, face the Qibla, pray in the Baitullah, and stand or gather in the same place.
How to Practice the Pillars of Islam in Everyday Life
There are 5 important points in the Islamic pillar numbers. All Muslims have been equipped with understanding and five points in its contents.
This pillar is also the main foundation in increasing faith in Allah.
We must always be better people in God's eyes. In strengthening the foundation of religion, we must practice it in our daily lives.
Here are some consistent steps in implementing the pillars of Islam in everyday life:
1. Creed
If someone has uttered the shahada sentence, then that person has embraced Islam with a firm and valid determination to become a Muslim.
To be able to embrace Islam, saying the creed is something that must be done.
In pronouncing these two sentences of the creed one must have the belief that the only God worthy of worship is Allah SWT and His messenger is only the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Not only saying it, but carrying out testimony and also making confessions is a real deed.
When viewed from the meaning of the reading, there are several things that must be done by Muslims.
That is by carrying out Allah's commands and avoiding His prohibitions. Then also follow the sunnah carried out by the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
It is a way of practicing the creed and is the responsibility of the person who has said it.
2. Prayer
There are 5 prayers that must be performed by Muslims, namely from Fajr to Isha.
Performing the 5 daily prayers is also an obligation that must be carried out by all Muslims every day.
Through prayer, humans are making communication bridges in getting closer to Allah.
By praying 5 times every day, a Muslim is also considered to have carried out all worship.
In movement and also reading in prayer we also recite, glorify, pray, recite, prostrate, and also recite takbir only to Allah.
3. Fasting
Once a year Muslims will meet the month of Ramadan. Fasting is an activity that must be carried out every month of Ramadan, namely by refraining from hunger and thirst.
Starting from sunrise to sunset and begins with the intention of fasting.
The purpose of fasting is to form and instill an exemplary attitude, as well as increase taqwa as a Muslim to Allah SWT.
4. Zakat
Zakat is also a mandatory worship carried out in the month of Ramadan, which is to set aside some of the fortune that has been earned to be distributed back to those in need.
It will also be a form of gratitude for the smooth sustenance and favors that God has so far given.
In zakat there are two types, one of which is zakat fitrah which must be paid in the month of Ramadan, and zakat mal.
Zakat fitrah is zakat that must be paid by Muslims before Eid al-Fitr arrives.
The amount is equal to 3.5 liters or 2.5 kg of staple food or in this case rice because Indonesian people eat rice every day.
For the meaning of zakat mal, namely a portion of assets that must also be issued, to later be given to special groups in a certain amount and within a certain period of time.
Issuing zakat will prevent us from being stingy and will teach people to be more sensitive to the surrounding environment, then respect whatever form we have received, whatever the conditions.
5. Go on Hajj
The obligation of pilgrimage must be based on one's ability both physically and financially. Allah does not make it difficult for his people in terms of worship.
So perform the pilgrimage with good intentions and with a good purpose.
Then Allah will give all the convenience in carrying out the worship.
Why is it mandatory for those who can afford it, because it takes a readiness of the heart and a long journey to go to the holy land.
Wisdom and the Meaning of the Pillars of Islam
The importance of the meaning of the pillars of Islam and its examples become a benchmark indicator that will later determine whether a person is considered a Muslim or not.
But as a Muslim we must live up to and carry out what is in the pillars of Islam.
Even though the content is a physical activity, understanding its meaning is very important. Check out what wisdom is in the pillars of Islam:
1. Sentence Creed
The two sentences of the creed become two sentences that must be known and how to pronounce them.
This sentence is the first form of testimony for someone who is determined to be a Muslim.
In becoming a Muslim, it only takes two sentences of creed which are also witnessed by several witnesses, with a firm intention in carrying out Allah's commands and avoiding His prohibitions.
With these two sentences of the creed, even a Muslim can already have an ID card that is listed as Islamic.
The meaning of the two sentences of the creed is that humans can only worship Allah and have one or one god.
He is in charge of everything that is done, and the Prophet Muhammad is someone we glorify but does not need to be worshiped because he is only the messenger of Allah.
2. Establishing Prayers
Apart from being a Muslim, prayer is also an obligation for all Muslims in the world.
Prayer is also a form of worship that includes prayer and movement.
There are five prayers that must be performed by Muslims, the rest are sunnah prayers.
The five obligatory prayer times should not be abandoned even under any circumstances.
In contrast to sunnah prayers such as midnight prayers, istiqarah, tahiyatul mosques, Eid prayers and so on, which are not mandatory. But it would be better if done at a certain time.
When going to pray, Allah prescribes for humans to clean their bodies, clothes, and also the place of prayer.
This means that in performing prayers everything must be clean, and this is the right way to get used to clean living.
3. Fasting
As with prayer, fasting is also obligatory even though there is also what is called sunnah fasting.
Fasting means holding back one's passions in terms of eating or drinking.
When fasting there will be routine activities carried out, namely eating sahur at dawn.
Fasting is the same as making the stomach rest for a full month. This resting process is also a process in cleaning the digestive tract.
Fasting that is obligatory for Muslims is fasting in the month of Ramadan, and in that month it will also be an occasion to increase the reward as much as possible because many activities in the month of fasting include worship.
In fact, there is also a tradition of fasting in religions other than Islam, and it is also indicated in the Koran regarding previous people who were ordered to fast by Allah SWT.
4. Issuing Zakat
Some of the assets given to us by Allah have other people's rights there, which can be issued in the form of zakat so that people in need can receive their rights from the zakat.
Zakat also serves to clean up all the assets we have.
If someone issues zakat then Allah will entrust other assets for us to have.
Another benefit of zakat is that it helps the country's economy, and becomes a comfort for the poor because zakat can strengthen the love between the rich and the poor, and meet their basic needs.
5. Go on Hajj If You Can
Hajj is one of the obligatory types of worship in Islam, which is carried out by visiting and carrying out activities around the Kaaba in the cities of Mecca and Medina.
To carry out this worship does require a lot of money, so it is required in Islam specifically for those who can afford it.
In paying zakat as in the pillars of Islam, it can be done by utilizing the Yatim Mandiri Foundation which is professional, experienced and also trusted as a zakat distribution institution.
reference: yatimmandiri blog
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