Time to Understand Islam Correctly
"Indeed the religion (true) in the sight of Allah is Islam." (QS. Ali Imron 19)
And Allah bless Islam, perfecting and equipping it for you so that you can achieve your main goal in life, which is to worship Allah.
"Today I have perfected your religion for you, and I have perfected My favor to you and have accepted Islam as your religion." (QS. Al Maidah 3)
Ibnu Kathir said,
“This is the greatest of the many blessings that Allah has bestowed upon these people. That is, Allah has perfected their religion for them, so that they do not need other religions and also do not need a prophet other than their prophet, Prophet Muhammad sholallohu 'alaihi wa sallam. Therefore, Allah made him the seal of the prophets and also made him a prophet who was sent to all humans and jinns. So there is nothing lawful except that which is made lawful and nothing that is unlawful except that which is unlawful and there is no true religion except the religion determined by it.”
You Can Achieve the Favors of Islam
know... you cannot get the favor of Islam in your heart until you understand it properly. The main grip of a Muslim in understanding Islam is to follow the Koran and hadith. Allah has guaranteed that he will grant istiqomah to those who follow the Qur'an, as mentioned about the words of the jinn in the Qur'an.
"O our people, verily we have listened to the book (Al-Quran) which was revealed after Musa which confirms the previous books again leading to the path of truth and to the straight path." (QS. Ahqoof: 30)
Allah also guarantees that he will provide stability to the followers of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wassalam which is mentioned in His word,
"Indeed you really guide to the straight path." (QS. Asy Syu'ara: 52)
The Reality You Face
In reality, there are many people who claim to follow and understand the Al-Quran and hadith. As the philosophers and Sufis say, "We are people who are 'ittiba' to the Qur'an and hadith and understand them." The followers of philosophy do follow the Qur'an and hadith, but they make the texts of the Qur'an and hadith subject to the demands of their reason. Thus they actually have left the Qur'an and hadith and made their minds as God. Sufi followers also take the Koran and hadith, but they make their texts subservient to their feelings. Thus they also leave the Koran and hadith and make their feelings as God.
Both of these understandings are an example that a split has occurred in the Muslim community into groups. Why can Muslims be divided? This is none other than because humans rely on themselves in understanding the Qur'an and hadith. However, they do not realize that human thinking is different and not uniform. In addition, human ability to understand the Qur'an and hadith is very limited. No reason is perfect, nor is anyone free from error. So that people become divided according to their own thoughts.
All understandings of these groups are wrong as long as they still hold on to bad desires in understanding the Qur'an and hadith, except for those whom Allah gives guidance. Allah threatens their deviation from the Koran and hadith with hell.
"Know, in fact those before you from among the People of the Book were divided into 72 factions and this ummah will be divided into 73 factions. 72 groups in hell and 1 group in heaven." (Narrated by Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Ad Darimi, Ath Thabroni, etc.)
Ash Shan'ani Rahimahullah said, "The mention of numbers in the hadith is not to explain the number of people who are wretched and losers, but to explain how broad the paths lead to error and how many branches there are, while the path to truth is only one."
And those who are divided because they understand the Qur'an and hadith with their distorted desires are friends of Satan who follow the wrong path.
From Ibn Mas'ud said, "One day Rasulullah sholallohu 'alaihi wassalam made a straight line and said: 'This is the way of Allah.' Then he made other lines on either side of him, and said: 'These are other roads and on each of these paths there is a devil who calls to them.' He then recited (the word of Allah ta'ala): 'And verily this is My straight path. Therefore, follow it. Do not follow other paths that will divide you from His way.'” (QS. Al An'am 153)
Then, How to Understand the True Islam?
After examining the existing reality, we can see that not everyone who studies Al-Quran and hadith gets the blessing of Islam in their heart. This is indeed a very unfortunate thing. All groups within Islam will never receive the blessings of Islam because they do not understand the Al-Quran and hadith correctly. Then, how to understand the true Islam?
O my brother, think about what you read with your mouth every time you pray, then you will get the answer. Verily Allah says, “Show us the straight path. (That is) the way of those you have bestowed favors upon them." (Qs. Al Fatihah: 6-7)
From here, you get the answer, my sister! That to get the blessings of Islam is to understand the Koran and hadith by following people who have previously received the blessings of Islam. Who are they?
Ibnul Qoyyyim said, "Whoever knows the truth better and istiqomah to follow it, he is more deserving of ash shiraathal mustaqiim (the straight path)."
Shaykh Abdul Malik Ramadhani explained that the most important human being that Allah has blessed with knowledge and charity is the companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, because they received direct instructions from the noble Apostle shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Thus their interpretation and understanding is the safest. In addition, they are the best generation of this ummah in understanding the Quran and hadith and practicing them.
"The best of this people are my generation, then those who follow them, then those who follow them." (Muttafaqun 'alaihi/ HR. Bukhori Muslim)
What is meant by my generation are his companions. Generations of people who follow the companions in understanding the Qur'an and hadith are tabi'in and those who follow tabi'in are tabi'ut tabi'in.
The Companions are the people chosen by Allah to accompany His prophet, and uphold His religion.
Ibn Mas'ud said, "Verily Allah looks at the hearts of His servants. He found Muhammad to be the kindest of heart. Then Allah chose him for Himself and sent him with His message. Then Allah again looks at the hearts of His other servants. He found the Companions were the kindest people after him shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam. Allah then made them as assistants to His Prophet and they fought in defense of His religion." (narrated by Ahmad)
And the understanding of the Companions is often also called manhaj salafus sholih (understanding of pious predecessors).
It is obligatory to stick to Manhaj Salafus Sholih
Know my brother that the division of the people into groups is reprehensible and hateful. Allah ta'ala says:
“And do not be of those who associate partners with Allah, (namely) those who divide their religion and they become several factions. Each group feels proud of what is in their group. (QS. Ar Rum: 31-32)
And although divisions are not acceptable to God, few people survive them. And no one is safe from this disaster except those who follow the path of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.
Rasulullah said which means: "The Jews are divided into 71 or 72 groups and the Christians are like that too. As for this Ummah, it is divided into 73 sects.”
In another narration it is stated: "Surely the Children of Israel are divided into 72 groups and my people are divided into 73 groups, all of them will be in hell except one."
The companions asked: "Who is (safe) O Messenger of Allah?" he replied: "(Who follows me and my companions)." (Narrated by Tirmidhi with a hasan isnad)
Allah only wants good from His servants so that His servants return to their hometown, which is heaven. Therefore, it is obligatory for a servant to save himself from division and hold fast to the path of the Prophet and his companions.
The Messenger of Allah said in the hadith of Irbadh bin Sariyah radhiyallahu 'anhu which means, "Hold fast to my sunnah and the sunnah of the khulafaur roshidin, hold on to the sunnah with your molar teeth." (Narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah and others)
Allah praises those who follow in the footsteps of the Salaf from among the Muhajirin and Ansar and in it there is an order that it is obligatory to follow them, because it is impossible to achieve Allah's pleasure except by following them.
Allah ta'ala says which means: "Those who were earlier and first (converted to Islam) among the emigrants and ansar and those who followed them well, Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allah. and Allah has prepared for them gardens in which rivers flow; they abide in it forever. That's a big win.” (QS. At-Tauba: 100)
The Guidance to return to Allah and reach heaven can only be obtained through the path of the friends of radhiyallahu 'anhum.
Allah ta'ala says which means: "So if they believe in what you have believed in, then they have certainly been guided. But if they turn away, then indeed they are in dissension. So Allah will be sufficient for you against them. And He is the Hearing, the Knowing." (QS. Al-Baqoroh: 137)
Allah threatens those who disobey the Messenger of Allah and separate themselves from the believers of his time (namely the companions) with the blazing fire of Hell.
"Whoever disobeys the Apostle after the truth has become clear to him and follows a path that is not the way of the believers, we let him be free from the error he has embraced, and we consign him to Hell. Hell is the worst place to return to.." (QS. An-Nisa: 115)
O Allah, please make it easy for us to follow the path of those whom You have blessed, who have received guidance and steadfastness. Protect us from following the path of those who have earned Your anger, whose hearts have become corrupted, causing them to deviate from the truth even though they know it. Likewise, protect us from the path of those who have gone astray, who lack knowledge and do not seek it, leading them to constant error and a lack of guidance towards the truth. Amen.
Washolallahu 'ala Nabiyyi Muhammad wa 'alaalihi wa Shahbihi wa sallam
Source: Article muslimah.or.id
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